Wednesday, May 11, 2011

routinary + complacency are dangerous things

we all know practice makes perfect. we started at zero knowledge on something in a point in our lives, learning new stuffs as we acquire new things, the likes of learning how to bike without those additional two wheels at the back of the bike.... then progressing to riding the bike with no hands at all. a mentor of ours told us that he likes being uncomfortable in his work, it keeps him alert and at his toes, kept being challenged, challenge brings out the best out of him, challenged... brings out the hidden potential out of people, might be double edged sometimes, can be good and could turn out bad. at one point, we can and will experience a routinary loop for a while, when you think you know it all, all things around are easy, no challenge, no ripples in the water, thus being complacent.... and just one day.... disaster will strike, just because you think you know it all, you can predict anything that will happen and prevent it.... doesn't equate you having no problems to encounter, problems that can arise at that point and at that point you're dead center in the disaster zone. what I'm trying t point out is that, not to be complacent, not to be too over confident, just because you've been doing these thing for sometime now doesn't mean your not going to encounter problems along the way. my two cents, be alert at all times and not be complacent.. it can be the beginning and the end of something :D

just ranting out loud :P

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