Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year Ender notes for 2010

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Year Ender notes for 2010

the days of the year 2010 are numbered, as we count down its just less than 2 days and 2010 will expire, but the memories of it will remain as usual hahaha :D

i remember, it was a slow start at the beginning of 2010, as recession was still crawling all over the region, but i think, we held on well, for us Filipinos and for most of my colleagues and friends, i think we did a pretty good job making it thru 2010, were resilient, what can i say more :D

for my side of the story... i started with a new company... again.. and the trend of my tenure in a company is getting shorter and shorter, hahaha, although my bosses that hired me migrated to another work... but that's ok :) got to meet new friends at work, expand my network, also met new early waking late sleeping addiktus laugthtripping trek and nature loving and adventurous landscape photographer buddies (you know who you are! ) nice to have met and shoot/shot with you guys, got to discover new places in EU for a span of two weeks namely Brugge, Belgium, Paris, Amsterdam, Ghent (still backlogged on PP'ing photos for this EU trip) of course never forget the Crashing waves at Aurora and the amazing sunrise we had in Quezon!.... hope we can keep this up guys! :D good to see also good friends tied the knot! and having little versions of themselves :D... to cut the story short... all is good in 2010 at least for me, i do also hope you had a good 2010 year to.

i would like to propose a toast...

for the Man Above that always provides (Thank You!)
for a good year to come
for the new friends that well meet
for the hardships that we'll overcome
for the new places that well discover
for the increase in our salaries that we'll recieve (hopefully....)
for the new opportunities that we'll have
for the memories that we'll create
and for a Great 2011

KAMPAI!!!!! :D

*drinks bottled water in office* :P

Happy New Year!!! :D

I'm Having good vibes for this coming 2011 :D

* photo above is taken at Mag-asawang Bato Pagbilao Quezon in Monochrome... and hopes we can be resilient like these when problems arises*