Sunday, February 28, 2010

out of place, out of time, out of words.....

Missed the urbandub gig last friday, :P... ok ok, i'll stop
pointing fingers haha... :D

I don't feel like sleeping yet coz it'll be Monday when I wake up.
Not that I hate Monday's, everyday's a Blessing... remember that!

It's been a fun week for me overall, smiles never fails to lighten up
anyone's day. Also... it's almost a week now that I'm stuck on LSS
on some bonus track :P and I keep o repeating and repeating that
particular track :D... i dont know, might be the soothing voice and
sounds of the instruments that keeps me hanging on to it.

photo above is a snaphot of the Lighthouse in Cape Bojeador...
located there upnorth :P it was taken a year ago during our 3 day
Northern escape :D

till next :P
ingatz to all :D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

caught in between being logically right or theoretically happy

Congrats to the both of you, Luther and Mechiel, Many Blessings to
come to your family. Their wedding was held at Bauan, Batangas. Met
up also with good friends and colleagues from my previous company.
Good to see you guys again! :D

Hi-Res Image link


Currently stuck on this thought for a week now, I
think we all know what is wrong from right... and of course doing
the right thing logically comes first into mind (for some of us :D),
but how about the times that you feel you need to deviate from that
norm just to satisfy your selfishness, would you choose to be doing
the right thing? what do you think will you gain... a lot? or....
a lot less.... It's like you're going 50 on the streets and you see
a yellow light blinked on the intersection ahead, you know you can
make it across with ease even if you don't step on the pedal, but
it's a yellow light.... you should be slowing down... right?

Life is simple.... we're the ones that just complicate it.

I think I'll try to do it both... simple right? hahaha :D

Ingatz to all :D

Sunday, February 14, 2010

walk slow...

Days are going fast... every one wants to be in the lead, either going
to work or going to shop or be the first in finding a close parking
space to the mall's entrance. The first to be in the most comfortable
seat in the shuttle or bus. Every one wants to have the fastest
computer specs, fast internet connections, faster downloads, instant
coffee's, 3 in one's, instant pansit cantons ( hey.. i like pansit
canton :D )

All in a click, all in an instant, we think we need it... or so we
thought we need it.

When were kids... we dreamt and wished to grow up fast... and now
that we're grown up, some of us wishes that they would like to be
kids again.... although the best that we can come up with is to be
kids at heart :D or be foolish like kids.

Walk slow... I always reminded my self, take time to enjoy and see
the details. We only get to be kids once, enjoy it. At that
instance of time, take time to see what's special about it,
may it be those small chocolate chips that’s in your frap, or that
familiar sizzling sound of "ispiritu" of your soda.

photo shown above which is entitled “Urban Jungle” is a long exposure
shot ( approx. 3 mins ) taken from Greenbelt, I just noticed this one
while I was enhancing the details. The reflection of the building was
caught in the water which I wasn’t expecting in the end shot details.

Hi-Res Image Link

Walk slow.... :D

Happy Hearts Day! and Ingatz to all :D

Monday, February 8, 2010


What's up this week....

Summer's coming up fast and I've been seeing great sunrises during my
way to work, *it's just me... :D* *sighhhhh* can't wait for summer to
step in.. I want a vacation! somewhere far away..... I need to clear
my head of some things! good thing shooting keeps me sane for a
while..... need to get my acts straight! focus.... and re-focus! bigla
ko tuluy naalala yung kanta ng ItchyWorms.... yung " Gusto ko Lamang
sa Buhay"

"Gusto ko lamang sa buhay yung magswimming sa beach ng matagal
na matagal... Gusto ko lamang sa buhay ay magtravel at bumili ng
souvenirs..." thats the life!... :D

anyhow ....
Picture above is an IR Shot and was taken at Greenbelt last Sunday
noon, of course... could have not done it without some great mentors
in the know who you are :D... Greenbelt Chapel has
been shot so many times by enthusiasts and pro's.. here's my version
hahaha :D still have to work on my shots :D

Hi-Res Image Link

Ingatz to all :D